
Cheng Chen (陳徵)

About me

Hi there, welcome to my personal homepage. I am a Taiwanese astronomer and I am the postdoctoral research fellow collaborating with Professor C.J Nixon for the project: Dynamic accretion discs in Astrophysics at University of Leeds, UK. I earned my PhD degree at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, US in 2021 and my advisor is Professor Rebecca G. Martin. Before my PhD, I was supervised by Professor Ip, Wing-Huen (葉永烜). I earned my bachelor's degree in Earth Science and my master's degree in Astronomy at National Central Univerisity, Taiwan.

The majority of my research involved computer simulations of diverse N-body and fluid dynamics problems to explain the orbital dynamics and evolution of disks and small to big objects in our solar system and beyond. Specifically, I has used analytical and numerical models to explore the evolution of Earth's isotopic ratio of nitrogen, the formation of the Galinean satellates in circumplanetary disk and orbital dynamics and stability of circumbinary planets with misaligned orbits. Currently, I am a PI of the DiRAC project which provides us with sufficient computer time on Dial3@Leicester allowing us to study different topics about the effects of disk-star and disk-binary ineractions by using the smoothed-particle hydrodynamics code.

My main interests includes

  • Orbital interactions between a binary and disks by using PHANTOM.
  • Orbital dynamics and stability of circumbinary planets by using REBOUND.
  • Different types of accretion disks with dead zones by using FARGO3D

Contact Imformation

Cheng Chen
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Leeds, UK
Email: phycc"at"

SPH Simulation of a binary with circumbinary & circumstellar disks